Thursday, October 1, 2009


So I have just realized that I am as dumb as I look. I have not been attending my online class like I should. I know, I know! What a IDIOT! But in my defense I honestly didn't know. If you read my other blog Amachi you know that allot of things slip my mind and not that class should slip you mind but I just though that somethings (like assignments due) would be told to me through e-mail. So when I didn't receive a e-mail I didn't do any work. I'm clearly going to fail this class. If I haven't already. Shame shame shame. This blog was suppose to be written last week on Copyrighting. We had to watch a series of YouTube videos and PowerPoint's and take a short online short answer quiz of sorts. The videos were very entertaining and catchy. The PowerPoint's... not so much. But they were informative. I never knew what a copyright was really. I just knew that when I wrote a bibliography that I had to include the company who copyrighted what I cited in whatever piece of work I was producing. So these videos actually did some good for the brain.

Read, Learn, Live (w/o copyright infringement)

B. Strick

1 comment:

  1. You are not failing! You are catching up and obviously taking the assignments seriously.You will be fine.
