Thursday, November 19, 2009

I like the site. Its inviting and full of color. Not to mention they have a plethora of activities to choose from for teachers to do with their students. None of the activities mentioned are anything that I could do right now but they are all things that I think a teacher and his or her students would enjoy taking part in. Not to mention they seem like they would all be really nice things to post for the whole school to see. For instance the activity that has the teacher take pictures of their students at the beginning and the end of the term and then have the students complete a Venn diagram of the differences in the photos is something that I think the teacher would enjoys watching his or her students do and the students would enjoy doing themselves.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


This weeks assignment....(dun dun dun)... Visit a website (Read-Write-Think) participate in some of the activities and Blog about the experience. Which is what I will attempt to do now.

The activities I participated in and I have decided to blog about are the acrostic poems activity and the book cover creator activity. I initially choose these two because the summary of what they were on the initial link page was simple and would not take me allot of time to do. I was right but only in the case of the Book Cover Creator activity. The Acrostic Poem activity proved to be a tad bit harder. It didn't help that I chose a word that wasn't simple though. I choose my blog name Amachi.

(Forgive me I didn't even explain what an acrostic poem is. Plainly put its a poem that
"uses the letters in a topic word to begin each line. All lines of the poem should relate to or describe the topic word." The example given was for the word "sun" Shines brightly/Up in the sky/Nice and warm on my skin)

So I decided to try my blog name, as previously mentioned. Here was the result:
A chance
M ade in the likeness of god
A mazing gift of love
C hild with abilities beyond man
H eld in the hearts of all
I ntelligent beyond its years

Horrible poem I know... (chuckle). But I had better success on my book cover assignment. It was simple. So simple a preschooler could do it. Very Boring. All I had to do was choose a template (how I wanted the information organized on the page) and then fill in the information. There was no actual thought process needed. I wouldn't assign the activity to any children in a classroom that I was teaching.

Final thoughts: Maybe I missed something on the Book Cover application. I didn't think I did. (sigh)

until next time, stay educated

B. Strick


So I have just realized that I am as dumb as I look. I have not been attending my online class like I should. I know, I know! What a IDIOT! But in my defense I honestly didn't know. If you read my other blog Amachi you know that allot of things slip my mind and not that class should slip you mind but I just though that somethings (like assignments due) would be told to me through e-mail. So when I didn't receive a e-mail I didn't do any work. I'm clearly going to fail this class. If I haven't already. Shame shame shame. This blog was suppose to be written last week on Copyrighting. We had to watch a series of YouTube videos and PowerPoint's and take a short online short answer quiz of sorts. The videos were very entertaining and catchy. The PowerPoint's... not so much. But they were informative. I never knew what a copyright was really. I just knew that when I wrote a bibliography that I had to include the company who copyrighted what I cited in whatever piece of work I was producing. So these videos actually did some good for the brain.

Read, Learn, Live (w/o copyright infringement)

B. Strick

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Class OnLine

Last class was interesting. I found out that I should have started blogging 3 weeks ago (short giggle) ... I learned how to use the online classroom database.... and was successful at it. I was however a tad disappointed that only 4 students from the class signed on. I was hoping that the whole class would participate. It would have been nice to have some questions from other classmates that I probably didn't think of myself. It was pretty cool, the whole online thing. My computer has a built in web cam and therefore a built in mic so I was able to actually verbally communicate with the teacher. In the beginning I was all waving to my cam trying to see if my image would pop up on screen. It didn't (another short giggle). I also didn't know that I had to press and hold the talk button. Confusion turned into a lot of laughs for me and my friend who sat in on class with me on my couch. Probably the most comfortable classroom I will ever attend. Convenient to (I was in the middle of cooking dinner during the session and my food didn't burn and my husband wasn't all grumpy and hungry because I didn't get home until 9 o'clock). Over all it was a great experience and I wish all my classes implemented this style of teaching.

After thought: You know how Temple rarely gets any snow days? Well instead of making us schlep our bodies though a blizzard, if they really want to have class then all teachers should have access to this instrument. Students check their e-mails to see if class is canceled... and instead get a e-mail saying no you don't have to walk 6 blocks to campus on un-plowed Philly streets for my 50 minute class just log on to class and lets do this from our beds. Great thought, huh?