Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Class OnLine

Last class was interesting. I found out that I should have started blogging 3 weeks ago (short giggle) ... I learned how to use the online classroom database.... and was successful at it. I was however a tad disappointed that only 4 students from the class signed on. I was hoping that the whole class would participate. It would have been nice to have some questions from other classmates that I probably didn't think of myself. It was pretty cool, the whole online thing. My computer has a built in web cam and therefore a built in mic so I was able to actually verbally communicate with the teacher. In the beginning I was all waving to my cam trying to see if my image would pop up on screen. It didn't (another short giggle). I also didn't know that I had to press and hold the talk button. Confusion turned into a lot of laughs for me and my friend who sat in on class with me on my couch. Probably the most comfortable classroom I will ever attend. Convenient to (I was in the middle of cooking dinner during the session and my food didn't burn and my husband wasn't all grumpy and hungry because I didn't get home until 9 o'clock). Over all it was a great experience and I wish all my classes implemented this style of teaching.

After thought: You know how Temple rarely gets any snow days? Well instead of making us schlep our bodies though a blizzard, if they really want to have class then all teachers should have access to this instrument. Students check their e-mails to see if class is canceled... and instead get a e-mail saying no you don't have to walk 6 blocks to campus on un-plowed Philly streets for my 50 minute class just log on to class and lets do this from our beds. Great thought, huh?